
angels Archives - Tranquility Wellness & Yoga

The Angels Have Your Back

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Haven’t you had enough of playing it small? Of hiding out, downplaying, or dismissing who you are? Aren’t you sick of getting close and then ducking under the covers? The angels are all around you and ready to be of service to you. You may have been thrown for a loop this past year. You may have endured, “lock downs” and social distancing and isolation and a big churning bag of other peoples stuff. But. There is an incredible opportunity in front of you. You are still here stronger than ever and you are ready to step through the gateway…

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Are You Ready for Archangel Hope? She’s Ready for You.

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Are you ready for Archangel Hope? She’s ready for You! Call in Archangel Hope to help you connect to the vibrant ray of hope and empowerment. Her colors are deep yellow to golden yellow. If you call on her she will infuse you vibrant bands of yellow to lift you up and ground your energy in hope and new possibility. This powerful yellow helps you release from the past or the need to ‘get back to the past’ which is self defeating and can trap us in patterns of stuck 3D energy. If you are in a dark night of the…

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Are You Feeling A Little Like a Fish In A Bowl? Here’s a List of Things That are Essential.

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As You Navigate the dos and don’ts and the changing landscape of Covid-19, here is a list of things that are still available and, more than that, are essential. We are so much more than just our physical bodies. Our immune systems are connected to our emotions and our thoughts, so consider the big picture as you look after you and yours. 1. Discernment. So there’s a ton of info coming at you, often from friends and loved ones who are in a state of panic and overwhelm. Before you absorb their panic or confusion (especially if you are an empath), it’s important to not entrain with…

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2020 is on the horizon! Call on Angels for Your Messages…

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Happy 2020! We are moving into an incredible new decade. Wherever you are in the world I hope you find the time to clear personal clutter and create internal space in your life for the new influx of light and energy that is the new decade of 2020. Angels are all around you and they work hard to get messages of love to you. So, taking the time to turn inwards and ask for guidance is powerful pre-New Year’s  practice. Inviting in a new decade is an extra powerful time to get clear. The energy in the beginning of 2020…

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Eek!…Venus Retrograde! Can Your Heart Take the Trial of Intensity?

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Autumn is here, a favorite season for so many of us. It is often a a time of peaceful reflection, including crisp hikes on leaf-strewn pathways where your senses explore the rich tableau of nature’s emboldened colors, from melting golds, to vivid oranges, burnished yellows, and sumptuous reds of the foliage bidding us farewell. It’s a time to get cozy and surround yourself in the abundance of seeds planted in the spring and as Canadian Thanksgiving approaches it’s a time to savor family, love, and the joy of celebration. Enter Venus Retrograde. Say what?! You ask. Just when things are…

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Where Have All the Angels Gone? Invite in the Butterfly Maiden

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I hope you are enjoying a lovely slide into sublime September. September is a time to savour and bid farewell to summer. As a 9 month in the western calendar system, it holds the vibration of 9 or completion energetically. In numerology, 9-9-18 translates to 9-9-9 as it is the ninth day of the ninth month and the 18th day of the 21st century can be translated to “9” …. 1+8=9. And so, it invites you to embrace endings. Completion is about honouring what you have finished, so that you can move on and up to the next level and…

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