Discover the Keys to Your Clairvoyance


Join me for transformative class taught 3 parts, on three consecutive Fridays, as I channel the magical Archangel Raziel, holder of the Rainbow Ray, Keeper of the Akashics and Keys of Esoteric Wisdom and Mysteries


Do you long to develop your psychic vision so you can see angels, light beings, and auras? Would you like to take your clairvoyance to the next level?

As we move more fully into 2021, your clairvoyance will be coming on line, but how it fully it awakens depends on you. Working with Archangels like Raziel, helps you optimize and clear stuck energy so that you see at the highest level to not get stuck seeing lower vibrational energy.

Join me for transformative class taught 3 parts, on three consecutive Fridays, as I channel the magical Archangel Raziel, holder of the Rainbow Ray, Keeper of the Akashics and Keys of Esoteric Wisdom and Mysteries. Archangel Raziel is truly a master of clairvoyance and has messages to share with you about the nature of your clairvoyance as it unfolds in alignment with your spiritual path.

Three Live Sessions 1.5 hour : Friday 19, 26 and March 5 1:00pm -2:30 PM EST

$55 + HST (regularly $77)

On Zoom

*Recording for Each Class Provided

Class 1 : Turning ‘On’ Your Angel Vision and Clearing Blocks  with Raziel and Michael

  • Receiving Your Clairvoyance: Activating Your Highest Clairvoyance or Angel Clairvoyance
  • Discussing the 12 Rules of Clairvoyance: If you practice these you WILL be more clairvoyance
  • Clearing Your Biggest Block to Clairvoyance with Michael Archangel: We call in Michael Archangel to help you feel SAFE trusting your clairvoyance and to clear your biggest block to your clairvoyance, trauma, and frozen memory

Part 2:  Healing Your Third Eye Matrix with Raziel and Raphael

  • Exploring Clairvoyance Levels of Clairvoyance (Inner, Outer, Real Time (3D), and Multi-Dimensional)
    Setting Up Your Third Eye Matrix and Screen
    A clairvoyance power retrieval

Part 3: Reclaiming Your Gifts with Raziel and Metatron and Mariel

  • Receiving Your Key to Clairvoyance in a Sacred Ceremony
  • Visiting your Akashics Hall to reclaim your gifts from previous lifetimes of clairvoyance Mastery
  • Clearing Your Psychic Pathways and additional psychic clair centres including your telepathy